We are here today to look at the most unusual characters classes that have appeared in the various editions of Dungeons & Dragons. These classes might look weird, but they secretly possess a lot of power. A lot of players will scoff at these archetypes, kits, and prestige classes for attempting to be a jack of all trades, yet there is a lot of hidden potential to be found in a character class that tries to be unique. Not all character classes are so easy to quantify, though, as there are some that will attempt to break the mold and do something a little different. There are lots of deviations on this format, but lacking any of those essential elements will make it harder for the group in the long run. There should also be two spellcasters- one with the power to heal and buff the party, while the other deals damage and weakens the enemy with status effects. One character should possess skills that help the party to survive in harsh and unknown environments, while also dealing pinpoint strikes in combat.

The ideal party should have four members, with the lead character being the melee fighter who can rush into combat and take plenty of hits. Dungeons & Dragonshelped to codify the structure of a basic adventuring party, which has since gone on to be used in numerous other tabletop RPGs and video games.