George's Dragon Slayer sword from the Archangel Michael. In Volume 4 of the light novels prior to the meeting of the three factions, he receives St. Hence why Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils fear this power. This is because the gauntlet doubles the user's power every 10 seconds without limit, the only restriction being the user's own ability to handle the power. While training and mastering its powers, the Sacred Gear will spread across his body, serving as armor. The Boosted Gear is actually a Forbidden Gear, which starts off as a gauntlet at its first stage. In the light novels, it is revealed that Issei's Sacred Gear has more capabilities then what has been shown before. He also is immature, which can be inferred by his goal of becoming a "Harem King". He appears to care more about the physical appearance of his female peers and shows little to no regard for their feelings. Regardless, Issei is still a somewhat shallow, and perverse character. However, later in the storyline, it is stated by many female members both of his peerage and outside of it that he has grown manlier and more muscular. In reference to his personal appearance in the anime and the light novels, it has been revealed that he is "cute" rather than "good looking". Issei's primary goal is to one day become a high-ranking Devil so that he can create his own harem and become a "Harem King". He "works" hard day and night for the sake of his master and the highest-ranking Devil, Rias Gremory. His rank is "Pawn",(he later became "King") and while his powers as a Devil are low-ranking, he wields a Sacred Gear on his left arm called "Boosted Gear". His first girlfriend suddenly kills him, but Rias saves him and brings him back to life as a Devil of her own clan, thus making him a member of the Occult Research Club. Issei is also surprisingly hot-blooded and hard-working.

He is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy, where he is known as an extremely perverted individual with a bad habit of fantasizing about his female peers. Issei Hyoudou is the main protagonist of the series. Yuki Kaji Scott Freeman (Season 1 and Season 2) Josh Grelle (Season 3 and Onwards)